The Origin of Fionn MacCoolThe Ard-Ri (king) or Ireland, Conn Cétchathach – “Conn of the Hundred Battles,” founded the elite military band known as the Fianna Eireann warriors. The Fian warriors grew and split into two clans – the Bascna, and the Morna. Each clan had a chief, but only of the chiefs could be the captain over all of the Fian warriors. Cumhaill, son of Trenmor, was the captain. He was also the chieftain of Clan Bascna. Goll Mac Morna was the chief of Clan Morna. Tadg, the Danann druid and sorcerer, was one of Conn’s advisors. Tadg was the son of Nuada of the Silverhand. His daughter was Muirne of the White Neck. She was often visiting Conn’s court in Tara. She and Cumhaill fell in love and her father Tadg told her to go back to their home world. He did not want his daughter to marry a mortal man. She refused to go home and married Cumhaill anyways. Cumhaill became deeply hated by Tadg. Tadg decided that Cumhaill must die. He convinced Conn that Cumhaill was evil. They joined forces and recruited Goll Mac Morna to challenge Cumhaill for the captaincy of the Fianna. Muirne, was by this time, carrying a child of several months. Cumhaill gathered his clan to meet the challenge. Being of the Danann people, Muirne’s intuition told her that she would never see her husband again. The clans met at Knock and began to wage war. Clan Bascna was clearly the stronger, both in number and skill, but Tadg worked his magic and confused them. Cumhaill and Goll faced each other, one on one. Cumhaill took out one of Goll’s eyes and then was over come by Tadg’s magic. Lia, the Lord of Luacher, finished Cumhaill off. After Cumhaill’s death, few of Clan Bascna escaped death. Cumhaill’s brother Crimmal fled to the woods. Goll was appointed captain of the Fianna at the defeat of Clan Bascna. He elected Lia as the treasurer. Lia took the magic crane bag from Cumhaill’s body which contained Fian treasures. Goll sent his warriors to hunt down any survivors of Clan Bascna and kill their families. Muirne knew her husband died. She fled with two old nurses to the dense forest of Slieve Bloom. There she gave birth to her son and called him Demne. Once she recovered from the birth, she set out to lead the enemies away from her son. She left Demne in the care of the two nurses. She fled to Munster where she later married its King. Demne grew up and learned how to survive in the woods. He became fast and agile. He could chase down any animal that lived there. He learned to hunt and became very good at it for one so young. One of the nurses nicknamed him Fionn which means “blonde.” Muirne returned for her son as the King of Munster’s army was powerful enough to protect them from the enemies they had. The nurses refused to let her take him. The one nurse wanted Demne to avenge his father’s death and take his rightful place as the chieftain of the Fianna. Muirne sadly returned to Munster without her son. |