Fionn MacCool's Irish Pub North Bay
The Concept:
The concept of Fionn MacCool's was developed by Prime Restaurant's marketing team
more than 20 months ago. Their goal was to create an Irish pub as authentic as you
would find in Ireland.
The main sayings at Fionn's are:
"Same Ireland, Different Country"
"The Perfect Pint"
They wanted the pub to be so authentic that they even had all
of the wood in the pub imported from Ireland. The building even adds an Irish flare.
Prime Restaurants wanted to create a pleasurable atmosphere where anyone could come
and enjoy themselves with, "The Perfect Pint." They also wanted to make prices affordable
for anyone ranging from struggling students to successful business executives for either
a social gathering or to enjoy the plethora of fine authentic Irish dining along with an
excellent array of Canadian cuisine.
Fionn MacCool's has captured the spirit of an authentic Irish pub within a new
building. All of the hardwood used throughout the pub has been imported directly
from Ireland along with a beautiful fireplace and other decor, which add to the
pleasurable atmosphere. The inside is approximately 3600 square feet, which
comfortably seats 198. For the summer months, there is also a terrace which seats
50. There are two televisions and one large TV for the enjoyment of our customers.